Protection and Insurance
Peace of mind protecting your family and assets
Protection and Insurance Products
We offer advice on various types of protection products, including protection against loss of your income due to sickness or accident or a Lump sum paid on death or the diagnosis of a critical illness. Buildings and Contents Insurance, which covers the value of the bricks and mortar and your possessions in the event of damage or theft. For life and critical illness cover we have access to products based on an analysis of a number of insurers who bring superior service, quality and breadth of products, to include…
Legal and General, Aviva, AEGON, LV, AIG, Scottish Widows, Vitality, Royal London, Zurich, The Exeter, Canada Life, Guardian, British Friendly, Cirencester Friendly and Shepherds Friendly.
Mortgage Protection Insurance
How would you pay your mortgage on the death or serious illness of a breadwinner?
The simple answer is to take out a Life and Critical Illness Insurance policy.
We offer three types of life insurance and critical illness:
- level term assurance
- mortgage decreasing term assurance
- family income benefit
Level term means the amount you are insured for remains the same throughout the term of your mortgage life insurance policy, the policy is taken out for a specific term. The premium can either be reviewable or guaranteed.
Decreasing term means the amount of benefit decreases over the term of your mortgage life insurance policy. This cover is designed to help protect a repayment mortgage, so that the amount of insurance decreases roughly in line with your remaining mortgage debt. The premium can either be reviewable or guaranteed.
Family Income Benefit means the benefit is payable on a monthly basis and stops at the end of the original policy term. This can be used as family protection and is preferred by those who do not want the added worry of having to deal with a large lump sum on the death or diagnosis of a defined critical illness.
Premium rates
The premium you will pay is affected by a number of factors. The main ones are your age, occupation, smoker status, health, the level of cover you need and type of contract that you choose. Normally, the older you are, the higher the premium. Your individual height, weight, medical history and lifestyle are all assessed.
Premiums are guaranteed – you pay the same throughout the term of the plan. However, if you decide to include critical illness cover in your plan, you can choose between guaranteed or reviewable premiums. If you choose reviewable premiums, these are reviewed every five years and could increase or decrease.
What would happen if you unexpectedly fell ill or had an accident and were unable to work?
In this situation, you need Income Protection unless you have a large reserve of savings. Very often people fall behind on their repayments of mortgages and loans and bills, and once any savings have been swallowed up, the risk of losing your home can quickly follow.
This insurance will ensure you are able to maintain a level of income if you are unable to work through accident, sickness. You can choose the initial waiting period before a claim will be made, it is usually between 30 and 120 days and each claim can be paid for up to a maximum of 12 to 24 months or the duration of the policy term. The amount of benefit you choose is limited by the insurer to replace a proportion of your income.
Buildings and Contents Insurance
How would you replace all your belongings in the event of a fire or flood?
Who would you call if late on a Saturday night, water started to pour through the bathroom ceiling from the hot water tank in the loft?
Buildings insurance is conditional on taking out a mortgage. This is because the property remains the lenders security while you have a mortgage outstanding on it, if the property burns down and buildings insurance is not in place, the lender may not get all their money back.
This insurance protects the basic structure of the house against the usual perils of fire, theft, storm damage etc. with the option of accidental damage. It is usual that the policy should be in place on exchange of contracts, so before the solicitor can exchange contracts they will require proof that the policy has been set up. To avoid any delay, we will recommend a policy and set it up early on in the house buying process and automatically provide the solicitor with a summary of cover or equivalent.
Contents Insurance is optional, but nowadays, with the increase in personal possessions and their value it is unwise not to take out contents insurance. As a guide, this covers all the moveable items you may take with you should you move home. Eg carpets, curtain, furniture, electrical goods, jewellery etc. (Limits apply).
Home Emergency Cover is an option on most policies. Home emergency means a sudden event that was not expected by you and which needs immediate action to:
- Make the home safe or secure
- Avoid damage or more damage to your home
- Make your home fit to live in
- Restore electricity, gas or water services to your home if they have totally failed
For buildings and contents we offer products based on an analysis of a number of insurers.